Saving 340B is Just One Click Away

Contact your member of Congress today and tell them to Let 340 B!

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Protesters holding signs that read ‘Peters sides with greed over people’s health’ and ‘Let it B’ during a demonstration.
Protesters holding signs that read ‘Peters sides with greed over people’s health’ and ‘Let it B’ during a demonstration.

Saving 340B is Just One Click Away

Contact your member of Congress today and tell them to Let 340 B!

Take Action
34oB Is Under Attack

The greedy pharmaceutical industry is constantly trying to find ways to strangle and restrict 340B - despite how well it works!

340B Saves Lives

Ryan White clinics, such as AHF, use 340B savings to provide services to underserved people living with HIV/AIDS.

34oB Costs Nothing

340B benefits millions of Americans with no-cost and low-cost healthcare. It costs US taxpayers absolutely NOTHING.

34oB Is Under Attack

The greedy pharmaceutical industry is constantly trying to find ways to strangle and restrict 340B - despite how well it works!

340B Saves Lives

Ryan White clinics, such as AHF, use 340B savings to provide services to underserved people living with HIV/AIDS.

34oB Costs Nothing

340B benefits millions of Americans with no-cost and low-cost healthcare. It costs US taxpayers absolutely NOTHING.